Beginning Wicca:Learning Outline 0. Introduction This course outline is intended for the serious beginner who wishes to enter an intense and complete study of paganism, magic, wicca, and the occult. This is ONLY for those interested in a real self-education. If you're looking for an easy, quick way to gain instant gratification, forget about it. It doesn't exist. Knowledge is a reward you must earn. There is no answer key, in fact, many of these will have different answers for each person. This is only an outline. You may add to it or change from the suggested route if you would like. Good luck, begin whenever you are ready. DO NOT RUSH. This course is intended to allow for years of learning, if you finish it in a week or two I guarantee you that you barely scratched the surface. 00. Getting Ready to Learn Notebook Have a plain notebook prepared to store research and answers to the questions included in this course outline. Print out this outline if you can and put it inside your notebook. Knowing where to look: Not sure how to find answers? Internet: Search engines and link directories 1.AltaVista 2.Yahoo! 3.Infoseek 4.HotBot 5.SpiritLinks- (Occult) 6.AvatarSearch- (Occult) Books: Check bookstores, libraries, and online bookstores [like] Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (Cunningham) Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (Cunningham) To Ride a Silver Broomstick (Ravenwolf) The Spiral Dance (Starhawk) The Witch's Bible Compleat (Farrar) Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (Buckland) I. Ethics The Law of Return: What goes around, comes around. 1.What does this mean to you? 2.How does it apply to your life? 3.How does it apply to your magick practices? Perfect Love and Perfect Trust: It must be maintained between partners. 1.Define "Perfect Love and Perfect Trust" 2.How do you know when to trust someone? 3.Who should you trust, and when should you maintain secrecy? Wiccan Rede: If you wish to become a wiccan, it's important to understand the rede. 1.What is the meaning of the rede? II. Preparatory Understanding Faith: You must fully believe in magick for it to work. 1.What does the phrases "magic is afoot" and "magic is everywhere" mean? Willpower: Nothing can stop you from reaching your goal. 1.What are some possible obstacles to magick? 2.How can you overcome those obstacles? Privacy: When to talk, when to preserve secrecy. 1.Why should you sometimes keep your magick inention to yourself? 2.When should you tell someone about your practices? 3.How do these rules apply to a coven or group ritual atmosphere? 4.Do you plan to "go public", or practice as a silent solitary? Willingness and Fearlessness: Leave your doubts at the door. 1.Are you ready to walk a path less traveled, and less understood? 2.If you are trying to change religions (ie to wicca or another form of paganism), are you prepared to give up whatever religion you may have been raised in? 3.What fears or trepidations do you have? These must be dealt with before you can go any further. III. Magick Prep Skills Cleansing 1.Define "cleansing" 2.Define "ritual bath" 3.What is one method for cleansing? Raising/controlling energy- These topics must be practiced and understood: Meditation Grounding Centering Concentration/Focus Visualization of a single goal Practice and understand visualization techniques Casting and opening a circle 1.Why cast circles? 2.Must you always cast a circle before rituals? 3.One method for casting a circle 4.One method for opening it afterwards IV. Beginning Spellcraft Creating your own spells 1.Why not just use pre-created spells? 2.Create a basic outline for all-purpose spell use Types of magic: research each form of magick and when each is appropriate to use: Spells/Rituals/Rites Poppets/Dolls Mojo bags Potions and philtres Putting it all together: research and understand why, where, when, and how to use various spell elements: Affirmations, chants, and incantations Color correspondences Candle magick Stone magick Amulets, talismans, charms Timing Days of the week Days of the year Lunar phases/cycles Astrological cycles Herbs: Meanings and magickal uses of herbs Incense Essential oils Elements- Know the correspondences, meanings, and usages of: Water Earth Fire Air Akasha Elemental Spirits Invocations Tools (ie, athame, chalice, broom, etc) 1.Do you have to use ALL of these elements in every spell you create? (hint: NO) Explain. V. Advanced Skills Divination Gain a basic understand of each form of divination: Scrying Astrology Tarot Runes Runesticks Pendulums I Ching Oneiromancy (dream divination) Tasseography (tea leaf reading) Ovamancy (egg divination) Bibliomancy (book divination) Ceromancy (candle wax divination) Geomancy (sand or dirt divination) Ouija Develop a divining skill Which form or forms of divination interest you most? Research skill(s) of interest and attempt to practice them 1.What forms of divination are easiest or more natural for you? Psychic Powers Gain a basic understand of each form of psychicism: Precognition Clairvoyance Telepathy Telempathy Clairaudience Clairsentience Telekinesis Teleportation Develop a psychic skill 1.Which form or forms of psychicism interest you most? 2.Do you feel you have any natural psychic powers? 3.If so, research ways to develop your natural skills. Beyond the Body Out-of-Body Experiences 1.What are they? How are they different from astral traveling? 2.State and summarize some methods 3.Have you ever experienced this phenomenon? What is it like? 4.What abilities do you have that you normally don't have on the physical plane? Astral Travel 5.What is it? Compare it to OBEs (Out-of-Body Experiences) 6.State and summarize some methods to induce it. 7.Discuss wraths, travelers, and the characteristics of this plane versus the physical and OBE planes. 8.Have you experienced it? And if so describe it.